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Amazing Health Benefits of Berries



Berries are bright and sweet superfoods that have a range of health benefits. It contains high content of phytochemicals, which are naturally present nutrients in plants that help defend your cells from damage. Phytochemicals have antioxidant properties that protect your body against the damage and inflammation caused by free radicals.

As you age, you become more susceptible to damage by free radicals. Berries inhibit this damage, making them the ideal food to slow down the effects of aging.

Chemical compounds in berries such as blueberries and raspberries have cancer-preventive properties.

Berries maintain cognitive functioning. According to a study published in the Annals of Neurology, women who consumed about two cups of strawberries or one cup of blueberries per week experienced less cognitive decline as they got older than women who did not consume these berries.

Berries may help prevent Parkinson’s disease. People who consume at least two cups of berries per week have a 25 percent lower chance of developing Parkinson’s disease than people who don’t consume berries, according to a study published in the journal Neurology.

Berries may also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidant properties of berries help fight the effects of mental decline associated with Alzheimer’s.

Berries contain polyphenols, which are chemical compounds that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. The beneficial effects of polyphenols on health include:

• Lower cholesterol levels.
• Lower blood pressure.
• Improved functioning of arteries.
• Prevention of platelet clumping.
• Increased longevity.

Berries also aid weight loss. Berries are full of fiber, so eating them helps you feel full and eat less.

To reap the health benefits of berries, you should consume at least eat two to three kinds of fresh or frozen berries every day.

Strawberries have a high content of folic acid and Vitamin C. Blackberries and raspberries each contain 8 grams of fiber in one cup.

Blueberries contain 20 types of antioxidants, while other berries contain only three to four types.

Cranberries prevent urinary tract infections and are also natural probiotics that promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and aid digestion. Eat them plain or add them to your cereal, yoghurt or salad. You can also blend them into your smoothies.


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