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Alaska Milk Day Fun Run



World Milk Day is celebrated annually in many countries worldwide, providing an opportunity to focus the attention on milk as a global food central to health and well-being across cultures and nations, and to highlight the contributions connected with milk and the overall dairy industry.

In the Philippines, Alaska spearheads the celebration of Alaska Milk Day formerly Alaska World Milk Day for the fourth time this June 11, 2016. The Alaska Milk Day provides a great opportunity to reinforce importance of drinking milk and healthy lifestyle and bring it at the forefront of consumer awareness. And with the series of exciting activities lined up for the event, Alaska Milk encourages children and adults alike to get into the habit of drinking milk and engage into sports activities to achieve optimum health. 2016 is much bigger by having simultaneous Family Run, Zumba session with free breakfast in Manila, Cebu, Davao and Naga. For every participant, Alaska will be donated Alaska product to the beneficiary the Children’s Hour.

Race Day: June 11,2016 (Saturday)

Venue: SM Seaside, Cebu

Categories: 3K Family, 3K and 5K

New Category: 1K for 6-8 years old only with free Disney and Marvel character freebies w/ finishers’ medal

Registration is FREE.

Please don’t forget to like their Facebook page and follow them on twitter and Instagram @AlaskaWorldMilkDay for updates and announcements.

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