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AIM Hosts Information Session in Cebu



The Asian Institute of Management (AIM), one of the premiere business schools in Asia, is set to welcome Cebuanos to the AIM Information Session on Saturday, June 18 at 9:30am, at the Cebu City Marriott Hotel.

Attendees will have an opportunity to learn about AIM and various masters programs the Institute offers from Andy Chen, Executive Managing Director of Recruitment and Admissions, and AIM President and Dean, Dr. Jikyeong Kang.  AIM alumni will also be on hand to share their firsthand experiences. Overall, the session should provide participants with an idea of the many ways an AIM degree can provide a lifetime of value.

Applicants will be considered for admission based on the quality of their work experience, academic and professional references, and GMAT, GRE or AIMAT scores. Administration of the AIM Admission Test (AIMAT) takes place on the same day, June 18, from 1:00 to 4:00pm, also at the Marriott Hotel. Moreover, the auspicious day will also highlight discussions on the various scholarship opportunities available to applicants.

Through its forty-eight years of existence, AIM stands as one of the leading management institutions in the region. Its core strength lies in being able to ignite the minds and passions of its students to make a difference not only as business leaders, but as instruments of societal change.

AIM was established in partnership with Harvard Business School, the Ford Foundation and the visionaries of Asian academic and business communities. It has pioneered and continues to provide international standard postgraduate degree programs including a Master in Business Administration (MBA), an Executive Master in Business Management (EMBA), a Master in Development Management (MDM), a Master in Entrepreneurship (ME) and a Master of Science in Innovation and Business (MIB). It is centered on the noble vision of training and producing the best and the brightest managers for Asia.

AIM’s intensive postgraduate programs sharpens the ability of students to provide strategic business solutions in fast-changing business scenarios in Asia and the rest of the world. At the same time, its programs inculcate sensitivity to an intrinsically diverse environment in Asia. The Institute enables students to operate in business terrains where there is wide range of cultures, beliefs, and unique business structures. It also supports students in establishing affiliations and partnerships with its extensive alumni network of key business leaders whom they have nurtured over the years.

It is during times of great economic challenges that the demand for great business leaders arises. Because of its longstanding experience and expertise in the region, AIM’s graduates have the edge of being able to knowledgeably and skillfully operate in Asia, the new emerging center of the global economy.

For more information on these back-to-back events and to confirm your complimentary seat, please email/call Ms. Edythe Bautista at (02) 894 0043; 892 4011 loc. 1805 or e-mail: mbautista@aim.eduor SMS (0936) 902 6948.

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