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Actors Push Back Against AI Training on Copyrighted Material Without Permission



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A growing number of actors, musicians, and filmmakers are pushing back against proposals that would allow artificial intelligence companies to train their models using copyrighted material without approval or compensation. In a letter sent to the White House, over 400 prominent figures from the entertainment industry urged the government to reject plans from OpenAI and Google that they claim would undermine intellectual property protections and exploit creative professionals.

This comes as a report from The Wrap says that OpenAI and Google submitted proposals to the U.S. government advocating for looser copyright laws to facilitate AI development, opening the floor for debate and pushback. OpenAI argues that unrestricted access to copyrighted works would promote learning, improve AI capabilities, and strengthen the U.S. against competitors like China. Google has echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the role of AI in national security and innovation.

However, critics within the entertainment industry argue that these justifications overlook the economic and cultural damage that would result from stripping protections from artists, writers, and performers.

Moreover, entertainment executives and artists warn that America’s creative sector plays a vital role in the economy, generating hundreds of billions of dollars and employing millions. If AI companies are allowed to use copyrighted content freely, they argue, it could destabilize key industries, reducing incentives for creative work and diminishing the value of original content. Beyond Hollywood, they also stress that professionals in publishing, photography, science, and architecture could be affected, as AI models rely on vast amounts of data to generate content that could replace human labor.

The letter, which was submitted to the White House Office of Science and Technology, asserts that the U.S. has long been a global leader in culture and innovation due to strong intellectual property protections. Weakening these safeguards, the signees argue, would set a dangerous precedent that benefits AI companies while stripping creators of their rights. (GFB)

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