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A Father’s Love: A Life-Changing Portrayal of God Sacrificing Jesus For Us



You need to see this video. This is a clip from the 2003 Czech movie “Most”. It is retitled “The Bridge” in some countries. It is about a father sacrificing his son, to save countless others. In the story, the father raised his son by himself. In the plot, the father takes his eight-year-old son to work with him at the railroad drawbridge where he is the bridge tender.

A day before, the boy meets a female drug addict boarding a train. At the bridge, the father goes into the engine room and tells his son to stay at the edge of the nearby lake. A ship comes and the bridge is lifted. Though it is supposed to arrive an hour later, the train happens to arrive. The son sees this and tries to warn his father- who is currently not paying attention and is unaware of the oncoming train. Just as the oncoming train approaches, his son falls into the drawbridge gear works as he attempts to lower the bridge, leaving the father with a horrific choice. The father then lowers the bridge allowing the gears to crush the boy. The people in the train are completely oblivious to the fact a boy died trying to save them, other than the drug addict woman who happened to look out her train window. The movie ends, with the man wandering through a new city. He meets the woman, who is no longer a drug addict, holding a small baby.

This film clip is a portrayal of what God did for us by sacrificing HIS only Son, Jesus, to save us from eternal death. Just as said in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life.” Every day we should thank God for how much He gave up for us. Doing that ourselves would be hard to fathom!

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