CSC Bares Examinees Guide in Taking Civil Service Examination
Catarman, Northern Samar – The Civil Service Commission Provincial Director Ma. Natividad L. Costibolo bared the examinees guide in taking the forthcoming civil service examination pen and paper test ballpen-based at the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) on October 23, 2016.
Director Costibolo suggested that examinees should visit the school/testing venue at least one day before examination day to familiarize themselves with the location of the school testing center.
She said that the scope of examination for professional level in English and Filipino are vocabulary; grammar and correct usage; paragraph organization; reading comprehension; analogy; logic; and numerical reasoning while on general information items, the following are included such as Philippine Constitution; Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees; and Peace and Human rights issues and concepts.
For the subProfessional comprises vocabulary; grammar and correct usage; paragraph organization; reading comprehension; spelling; clerical operations; and numerical reasoning and for the general information the same with the professional level, she added.
She also reminded the examinees to wear proper attire and be at the testing center as early as 6:00 a.m. as the gates of testing venue will be closed at7:30 a.m.
Further she said examinees should bring the following items on examination day: ID card, preferably the same ID card presented during the filing of application even if already expired or any valid IDs; two extra pictures; original PSA birth certificate if ID has no date of birth; application receipt, with corresponding official receipt; notice of assignment generated through ONSA, cleared bottled water or juice and black ballpen only.
Failure to take the examination on scheduled date shall mean forfeiture of your examination fee and slot, while bringing of cellular phones and any other gadgets, including calculators, wristwatches with calculators, books and any other forms of printed materials and all other items, is not allowed, she concluded. (tbc-pia8northernsamar)