Kick that Bad Habit With These 5 Tips
Behavioural expert Hina Khan shares some tips to help kick your bad habits to the curb for good:
1. Make the decision. You need to commit to breaking a habit to make it happen. First, make a list of reasons for the change and approach the decision with a positive frame of mind.
2. Create a plan. Do your research to make sure you use the best method for breaking your bad habit. For instance, if you want to quit smoking, use a scientifically proven nicotine replacement therapy, such as Nicorette QuickMist.
3. Spend time with family and friends. Take your mind off missing your comforting habits by enjoying life with loved ones. Going to the movies, hiking, or just going for lunch with a friend can relieve the unwanted stress of trying to cut something major out of your life.
4. Pick up better habits and routines. Come up with a positive habit and switch things up. For example, if you want to quit smoking, try going for a walk with a loved one, or logging onto social media and seeing what your friends are up to instead. Whatever you choose to replace your bad habit, make it fun.
5. Seek support. It can take a village, so talk to your loved ones and look for support groups that can help you through the process.
Some habits are harder to kick than others. Smoking, for instance, can be tough to quit so speak to your doctor to learn more about proven ways of quitting.