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Mayor Wants Disaster Preparedness in School Curriculum



Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama wants disaster preparedness be included as a curriculum subject in elementary and high school to equip students for disasters.

Rama said he learned during the United Nations World Conference on disaster risk reduction in Japan that children act as disaster preparedness ambassadors.

“Children and students were the one leading the elders in the evacuation center,” said Rama, referring to the children in Japan.

He said information, education, and communication before, during, and after any disaster should involve everyone in the community.

Children, as early as now, should undergo trainings and seminars on the preparations for calamities and disasters, which may come anytime, Rama added.

“The subject matter should allow the students to be equipped, to learn about preventive measures, preparedness and response,” said Rama.

Rama said he could not afford the worst-case scenario to happen when a disaster comes and the children are not equipped.

Recalling the strong earthquake that jolted Cebu and Bohol in October 2013, Rama said the two provinces were still lucky they were spared from further damage since it was a holiday.

Rama said he wants the matter inserted in the curriculum as soon as possible before any disaster comes. (PNA) LAM/ EB

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