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Pres. Aquino Forms BBL Council; Taps Cardinal Tagle, Former SC Chief Justice Davide



President Benigno Aquino III on Friday announced the creation of a council that will study thoroughly the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) which is being questioned by some lawmakers, particularly the constitutionality of the proposed law.

In an address to the nation he delivered one year after the historic signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB), President Aquino said he invited citizen leaders from different sectors to serve as independent convenors who will help the public understand the BBL and peace agreement between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Those invited as member of the council include: Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, former Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr., Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, Howard Dee, and Bai Rohaniza Sumndad-Usman.

”They will bind with other responsible and respected leaders to lead a National Peace Summit that will scrutinize and discuss the BBL,” the President said.

”They will elaborate this proposed law in a prudent and reasonable way that will not ignite anger and hopelessness. In this way, the BBL will be improved,” he added.

President Aquino said the council will report to the people so that they will understand better the BBL which is presently being tackled by the Senate and the House of Representatives.

”I know that the recent events in Mindanao, including the Mamasapano incident, has resulted doubts to the minds of our people. The result: the discussion on the subject of evaluation of the BBL has been derailed,” the President explained.

The President described the BBL as the most important proposed law of his administration.

”It will address the two worst problems of our countrymen: poverty and violence. This (BBL) is a product of 17-year extensive study and negotiation,” he said.

President Aquino stressed that the solution to the long peace and order problem in Mindanao is not war but peace.

”There are some who said we should stop the peace talk. They said we need an all-out war. My question to them: What good thing can you gain from war? Now that we are growing economically, do we still have to push violence and road to poverty?,” the President asked.

”The previous leadership have tried all-out war. But what they have gained? Hundred thousands have lost their lives, livelihood and left so much anguish in Mindanao,” he added.

President Aquino urged the public to also examine the motivation of the individuals who opposed the peace process through the BBL.

”My decision (to pursue peace process) is not only for the rest of my term but for the sake of the next generations. I will continue to take the path towards peace,” the President promised.

”Today, I hope we will be reminded that we have now a golden opportunity to achieve peace and those who want war will be enlightened by the good result of ceasefire,” he added.

He challenged the BBL critics to think of the future of the people in Mindanao, asking them to unite with the government in achieving the lasting peace in Mindanao.

”I’m not pushing this peace process for my own legacy. We are pushing the true peace truly rooted from the problem that resulted in violence. At this point of our history, I’m telling you: The BBL will achieve this,” the President said. (PNA) LGI/JFM

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