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Series of Robberies Compel PNP Top Brass to Revive Checkpoint Ops



Two top police officials in Cebu have ordered the revival of checkpoint operations in their respective territorial jurisdictions amid the series of robberies the past few days.

It has been observed that the police had stopped conducting checkpoint operations to apprehend those motorists that are in possession of unlicensed guns and other deadly weapons.

In Toledo City, four armed men robbed two gasoline stations after one of them shot and wounded a “gasoline boy,” however, before the group managed to escape the owner was able to fired back killing suspected robber Randy Jakosalem.

A driver’s license bearing the name of Evan Dagalan Bejec of 138D Gorordo Avenue in Barangay Kamputhaw was recovered from Jakosalem’s possession.

The three other robbers were able to escape. The robbers were armed with 38 caliber revolvers when they arrived at the gasoline station in Barangay Luray II Sunday evening.

One of the robbers approached the cashier’s booth and ordered cashier Jose Tanoco to give all his sales, including his mobile phone.

When the robbers were about to leave the place, one of the gasoline station’s employee ran towards the quarters to inform the owner of the incident, but one of the robbers fired shots hitting another gasoline boy Wiljune Nacua on his leg.

Gas station owner Raul Monsanto was alarmed when he heard the shots that prompted him to inquire, while holding his handgun. The robbers tried to shoot Monsanto, but he was killed when a bullet from Monsanto’s handgun landed on his head.

Cebu provincial police director Noel Gillamac immediately ordered his municipal police chiefs, while Cebu City police director Noli Romana also instructed the station chiefs in the city to do the same.

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