This Treadmill Will Wash Your Clothes
Do your washing while you run with Wheel, the innovative washing machine concept that works like a treadmill.
Developed by Industrial Designer Si Hyeong Ryu, this ring-shaped treadmill has wash canisters inside that can be filled with dirty clothes, soap and water like any other washing machine. The size of the canister reduces the need for a lot of water. When the jogger runs, the motion spins the canisters, thereby generating electricity. The power generated from the spinning can be used to wash clothes and the unuse power can be saved onto a battery as electricity and used to run the machine on days when jogging may not be in the picture.
There’s a flexible display on the front of the wheel that gives the runner a visual experience.
Si Hyeong Ryu’s Wheel is an entry for the 2014 Electrolux Design Lab competition, an annual design contest that challenges artists and designers to rethink how people live and work. This year’s theme is Home of the Tomorrow.