Beware of Weight Loss and Other Health Scams
Some people would do anything to lose weight—even hand over their precious, hard-earned money to fraudsters promising them their dream come true.
This March, as part of Fraud Prevention Month, government and law enforcement agencies are warning consumers against health and medical scams that prey on human suffering. These scams offer solutions or cures where none exist or promise to simplify complex health treatments.
What to look for
Watch for any references to miracle cures, weight loss schemes or online pharmacies. Some weight loss scams even promise weight loss “while you sleep.” But remember, there are no magic pills, miracle cures or quick and dirty options for serious conditions or rapid weight loss.
Never commit to anything under pressure.
Never trust unsubstantiated claims about medicines, supplements or other treatments. Always consult your health care professional.
Check for published studies, reports or materials to verify the accuracy of the promoters.
Ask yourself: if there really is a miracle cure for this, wouldn’t my health care provider have told me about it?
There are more fraud prevention tips and information about reporting a scam at or