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90’S Kids: Those Caught In Between



If you were born in the 90’s and is about 19 – 28 years old now, you’re probably one of those kids who were caught in between generations.

People right now are talking about millennials and the older generation, it started to seem like the 90’s kids were suddenly forgotten. But who are we really?

We’re the generation who got to play a game boy – the one with the pixel graphics. We’re the ones who played “Bounce” on our number pad cellphone. But most importantly, we’re the ones who did not just get to witness, but also experience the transition.

You know that thing about older people not being able to handle technology quite well? Well, we’re the ones who grew with technology.

I remember having a Nokia when I was younger. It was a black and white phone with a numbered keypad. Then I transitioned to a colored Nokia (yay!). Then the Motorola flip phone. Then an iPhone 3G (yes kids, there was a 3). Then an iPhone 6.

Even with the rapid growth of technology around us, we 90’s kids kept up with the times. We didn’t get lost with all the new stuff – we embraced it! Better than our parents ever could.

We witnessed that transition and we are the perfect middle. We can explain to the millennial how old computer works because we used them when we were younger. We can teach them how turn on old computers (hint: there is more than one power button). Yet we can still rock Xbox games with them!

If you think about it, we 90’s kids are the middle generation. We may have been slightly forgotten due to the hype millennials brought in, but don’t worry, we’ll make a come back. And we’ll make it good.

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