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7 Ways to Calm Your Nerves in 5 Minutes



Work, presentations, deadlines, interviews etc. are such a basic part of your life and yet each time when you encounter them, you can feel your nerves playing up. Edgy nerves are soon followed by shortness of breath and a racing heart, which will eventually lead you to a state of complete internal chaos.

Instead of letting your nerves drive you crazy, try these simple yet effective ways to relax and calm down in 5 minutes or less.

Chocolate to the rescue

One cube (about 40 grams) of chocolate can instantly calm your nerves. That’s why chocolate is considered a comfort food. But make sure you pick dark chocolate (in moderation) over any other kind as dark chocolate not only regulates your hormone but also stabilizes your metabolism and poses no threat to your weight.

Chew on gum

Chewing gum for a few minutes can reduce anxiety and decrease cortisol levels too. Pick the flavor that appeals to you the most so that it will further enhance your mood.

Concentrate on your breathing

Slow, deep breathing is one of the easiest ways to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Practice the yogic pranayama breathing technique where you breathe through one nostril at a time. This will eliminate anxiety and relieve stressed nerves.


Five minutes of peaceful meditation is all it takes to elevate your mood and calm your mind. Walk away from the chaos to a quiet place where you can concentrate on your breath and regulate your thoughts.

Use a stress ball

Edgy nerves can usually get you quite worked up and irritated. Instead of responding to the irritation, just squeeze on a stress ball to relieve the tension.

Give your hands a massage

This tip is quite useful for people with jobs that require a lot of typing. Apply some lotion and give your hand a nice massage. Concentrate on the area at the base of the muscle under the thumb to elevate stress in the neck, and shoulders.

Music to the rescue

There’s no arguing that music has a positive effect on our emotions. Use this in a stressful situation to tame those nerves.


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