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7 Lessons We Learned From Grandma



When our moms were busy raising us, our grandmas stepped in and helped. We learned a lot from them. This is an ode to all the grandmothers who helped raise us.

1. The Love for the Classics i.e. Old Musicals

Cowboy and Indians, chase scenes on trains and horses, a nanny falling in love with a rich military man, she makes sure we all know the movies of her time. The movies in black and white, the daring men and the beautiful damsels, these were the things she grew up and she carried on to us.

2. Conserve energy, be it electricity or water

During her time, electricity and water were premium commodities, now they’re as common as air. So when she yells at you for leaving the aircon, lights, laptop, printer, hairdryer on at the same time, just do as she says. There is wisdom in listening to her.

3. What a hot cup of chocolate can do

On days when we feel bullied or kicked down, or on other days when we feel like we’re on top of the world, one drink always tops the list. A hot cup of chocolate or in Filipino terms, sikwate. Whether home-brewed or bought, she makes sure you know how a hot cup of chocolate can do wonders on good days or bad.

4. Farming and never ever leave food on the plate

The Philippines is an agricultural land. We have a long history of farmers and agriculturist. She knows and lived during the era of hard manual labor. When she says don’t ever leave food on the table, she means don’t take the livelihood of the farmers so easily. They sowed and reaped in the climate of extreme heat and downpour. Respect their effort by eating everything on the plate.

5. Be frank but be loving

She’s too old to lie. Not to mention the fact that she has mastered the art of being nice yet frank. We don’t know how she does it. Although she can say a lot of harsh things, we can respect her still for her love and compassion.

6. The Art of Puso-Making and our heritage

Ever sat down beside her as she made balls out of straw to create a huge rosary, manually-produced tablea, told stories about our ancestors or our hometown’s folklores? Yes, she was our story-teller, crafts-maker, chef and everything else. She made sure we know where we came from and our long history of grandparents, uncles and aunts that we know nothing about.

7. Community and Generosity

Simple acts of kindness go a long way. Her life is an example of kindness and its fruits. People know her for her strict personality as well as her love for people. She was not and is not perfect; yet she makes you see that perfection is not key rather it is what we do amidst our imperfection that matters.

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