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4th Run For The Rivers



Cebu Business Month’s 4th Run for the Rivers will be the first fun run that would circuit around SM Cebu to SM Seaside on June 25, 2016. Some trails will extend far into Gaisano Talisay and Shell at the South Roads Properties (SRP) and some will include the Malacanang sa Sugbo and Plaza Independencia. Simply put, the fun run routes will be similar to the Mybus route around SRP. Roads in SRP will be partially closed for the race.

Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) along with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) hope to raise a minimum of P50, 000 to create “bokashi balls” to clean up the Mahiga and Guadalupe rivers. Bokashi balls are a mixture of Effective Microorganism (EM), molasses, rice husk which is rich in vitamin D for propagation of the bacteria, and clay or garden soil. These balls are 20 inches in diameter and need a minimum of 2 weeks for propagation of the EM bacteria. These were designed by the Japanese in the 1960s during the Industrialization period and were used to clean up the chemical sludges in the rivers that were polluted by the factories.

When asked why these rivers specifically, it was because four members of CBM Chairman Christian Paroan’s family and relatives were diagnosed with dengue last year.
“It goes to show how polluted those rivers are,” Paroan continued.

Clean rivers create a difficult environment for the dengue mosquitoes to breed and live. The creation and implantation of bokashi balls along the rivers will clear up the water from chemical sludges, will encourage natural biodiversity, and will lessen the spread of the dengue larvae and mosquitoes.

2-3 bokashi balls are needed in every square meter in order to be effective. It will take around 6 months to fully accomplish this. Details and implementation of this project is still on hold as the Cebu City River Management Council (CCRMC) is undergoing management change.

As of now there are 780 registrants and the CBM committee hope to exceed 3, 000. The registration fees for the fun run will be as followed: 3 kilometers for P400, 5 kilometers for P450, 10 kilometers for P550, and 21 kilometers for P650. Transportation for participants from SM Cebu to SM Seaside will be provided from 3:00 am to 4:30 am. The race will start at 4:30 am at the SM Seaside. There will be 20 CITOM and 50 PNP personnel with radio communicators around the circuit to provide security for the runners.

Participants will be given freebies from Gatorade, Energen, Julie’s, discounts from Zalora and Food Palace and many more. RC Goldline will be raffling off electronics and a mountain bike. Cash prizes will be given to winners of the 21K (P10, 000), 10K (P5, 000), and 5K (P3, 000).
Registration Centers are located at the SM City Cebu; SM City Seaside; Cebu City Sports Center, Athletics Department; Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and at the main lobby of Cebu City Hall.

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