4 Signs That “Click Now” Deal is a Scam
We’ve all gotten at least one — an email offering an amazing deal or saying that you’ve won a contest. It’s usually pretty easy to spot an obvious “too good to be true” opportunity, but not all phishing emails are an easy catch. Cyber criminals keep getting better at making scams or phishing emails look legitimate. informs Canadians about internet security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online. Determine if that faraway prince is telling the truth with these four signs it says point to a fraud:
1. Beware of links from suspicious or unknown email addresses. Hover your mouse over the link without clicking and look to see if the small yellow pop-up box matches the listed hyperlink. If it doesn’t, don’t click on it.
2. Check the spelling and grammar. Legitimate companies and organizations are much less likely to make spelling errors.
3. Be suspicious of threats. The email may threaten to close your account if you don’t respond right away or click on a certain link. Genuine online companies and websites don’t operate in this manner, and you can always call them to check.
4. Watch out for offers that are “confidential” or “time-sensitive.” Always give yourself time to properly research the deal.
If you receive an email that seems suspicious for any of these reasons, simply delete it. If you’re getting them in a work email address it might be a good idea to report them to your IT services — don’t forward the email, just let them know that you received it. Remember to always think before you click.
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