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4 Grooming Basics All Men Should Know



In earlier generations the art of grooming facial hair was generally passed down from father to son. For better or worse, grooming lessons were at the mercy of how skilled — or unskilled — your dad was with the shaver. But with bloggers, viral videos and that friend who must have secretly taken a barber class, gone are the days when you can only learn about hair maintenance at dad’s elbow.

Trendsetters and grooming experts can now provide tips and tricks to viewers and shed light on grooming tips both new and old. Jason Culala of Original Grooming Experts in Toronto is just one of the many pros who is passionate about his topic. “I’m a firm believer that grooming maintenance doesn’t have to be complicated and familiarizing yourself with the basics is the best place to start.” Follow his four tips and you’ll be a manscaping master in no time:

1. Remember all facial hair is different. Some men have sparse hair, some fuller, while others are fine and straight and others still thick and curly. Whatever style you were blessed (or cursed) with, the key to impeccable grooming is understanding your own unique needs in order to find a style that works best with what nature gave you.

2. Invest in quality tools. Good tools, including shavers, scissors, combs and hair products, will ensure that you get great results. Culala says he relies on Philips’ wide range of shavers and groomers for face, body and head, all of which keep men looking fresh from head to toe.

3. Patience, patience, patience. When trying to achieve fuller looks like beards, mustaches or goatees, be patient and know that you have to commit to a certain growth period. A bit of general maintenance around the edges can help keep things tidy and will reduce unruly hairs during the in-between stage.

4. Don’t ignore the hair on your body. Grooming from the neck down is just as important as the style you sport on your face. Look for shavers that come with additional attachments to take care of your hair down there, like industry favorite Philips Multigroom 7000.

More information is available online

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