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28 LGUs in Cebu South for Mental Health Services Program



Cebu Gov. Hilario P. Davide III and the Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) for the improvement of mental health services in Cebu Province.

28 Local Government Units in the south of Cebu will be the pilot areas for the signed MOA. In every clustered LGU there will be an assigned psychiatrist, psychologist, and social worker in rural health clinics to provide consultations, check-ups, and other mental health services to the people.

Cebu Gov. Hilario Davide III and PMHA president, Dr. Glenda Basubas signed the MOA, with Dr. Dino Caing of the Department of Health as witness.

Present in the signing of the memorandum of agreement were Mayor Caroline Bacaltos of  Sibonga , Mayor Inocentes Cabaron of Moalboal , Mayor Christine Chiong of the City of Naga, and Mayor Beatriz Caburnay of Alcantara. Provincial Board Member Christopher Baricuatro also attended the said activity and other LGUs were represented by their municipal health officers. (Aljun Cainghog/with articles from the Province of Cebu’s website)





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