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23 Minore Park Launched by Duros Land



June 23 – Duros Land Properties Inc., a member of the Duros Group officially launched

23 Minore Park,  the company’s newest development located on the former grounds of St. John XXIII Seminary. Envisioned to uphold Cebu’s historical landmark, 23 Minore Park will open as a place where nature is greeted by history. It takes inspiration from the seminary’s legacy as a seedbed, an institution that has nurtured countless young men aspiring to serve the church. It takes off from the successful once-in-a-lifetime event, the 51st International ucharistic Congress (IEC) that showed the Cebuanos’ and the pilgrims’ passion for the faith.

Archbishop Jose Palma, who officiated the mass and the site blessing before the launching, shared his delight in Duros Land’s choice of retaining the number twenty three in honor of the minore seminary and of St. John XXIII.

The entire 2-hectare property is a park that will feature a refreshing central park with a beautiful garden, the portal, an outdoor chapel and activity area; as well as distinctive business and commercial spaces. It includes the IEC Pavilion, the main event venue of the 51st IEC which is now an attractive venue for conventions and events.

“23 Minore Park will offer something Cebu has not seen yet. We started with the IEC Pavilion, which is probably the biggest event venue outside Metro Manila. We’re going to have the Landers Superstore and a hotel,” Duros Land Project Director Lydwena Eco shared. However, she “cannot divulge details of the hotel yet… but that’s something to look forward to.”

23 Minore Park will open its central park by November of this year in time for Christmas while Landers Superstore will launch around the first quarter of next year.

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