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Personal Finance

2 Things You Shouldn’t Cheap Out On



Graphics by ASC

Becoming budget-conscious is not a bad thing, especially nowadays where prices are constantly going up, but our income has remained the same.

Looking to save up on goods is a good thing, but there is a limitation to it. Not all things are meant to be bought cheap, like purchasing an off-brand with durability and reliability compromised.

So, here are two things you shouldn’t cheap out on:

Electrical Products

We all have electrical products at home like conduction cookers, electric fans, LED light bulbs, etc. While choosing the cheaper product will help you save a few pesos, you might risk yourself to dangers, such as electrical shock and fires.

Always choose the product and brand you trust. These might be a little bit more, but they are reliable, safe, and last longer, which will help you save more.

Medical and Dental

Our health is our wealth that is why we need to take care of it. Never cheap out on your health. It is recommended if you can afford to get health insurance, which can help you in certain health situations you might have in the future.

Buy medicines that come from brands that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration to ensure the safety and efficacy of the medicine.

Being frugal is good, but not to the extreme. Cheaping out on your needs might save you money, though it could still come with a cost. (ASC)





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