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1st OURFood Conference on Food Safety: From Farm to Fork



At the Press Conference for OURFood Food Conference held on May 31, 2016 at the Marco Polo Hotel with members from DOST, AFOS, CCCI, 888 News Forum and media

At the Press Conference for OURFood Food Conference held on May 31, 2016 at the Marco Polo Hotel with members from DOST, AFOS, CCCI, 888 News Forum and media

Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in partnership with Germany’s AFOS Foundation for Entrepreneurial Development Cooperation, Association of Negros Producers (ANP) and the Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce & Industry (NOCCI), will hold the very first OURFood Food Conference on Food Safety and Exhibition on June 16-17, 2016 at the Marriott Hotel and at the Robinsons Galleria.

The Optimizing and Upscaling Roles in the Food Supply Chain (OURFood) Conference is a much-needed symposium as training and certification for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP), and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) will become mandatory for farmers and food business owners as economic integration between the ASEAN countries and the rest of the world become imminent.

Topics that will be tackled during the 2 day Food Conference at the Marriott Hotel will be food hygiene and safety standards, compliance and certification, market opportunities, legislative support, labeling and packaging technologies as well as an in-depth overview of the benefits of GAP, GMP, and HACCP certification.

An Exhibition and Market Encounter celebrating the benefits of fresh food by 30 exhibitors at the Robinsons Galleria will be open to the public on the same 2 days.

To register as either a participant or sponsor, please call Cebu Chamber and Industry at 232-1421 loc. 109 and look for Vergie Solidarios or email at or

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