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1st Gentlemen of the Philippines: Cebu’s Representative



The first-ever gentlemen of the Philippines had its screening of ten Cebu candidates at the Montebello Villa Hotel last June 2, 2016 and the selection of the representatives at the Event Hive last June 3, 2016.

The pageant espouses advocacies such as climate change to health and wellness, to environmental responsibilities, education, risk reduction, and along with the candidate’s personal convictions of music, art and culture. The pageant plans to have 30 candidates from all over the nation.

The 10 candidates who vied to represent Cebu are Former PMA cadet, Paul Benjamin Corominas Abal, Jr.; International Business Major at Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia, Jason Martin; Arts major at Florida State University, Scotty Johnson; Basketball and Fitness enthusiast Christian Lumasag; Communications major at Cebu Normal University and also writer and contributor for Rappler,  J.M. Alarcon;  Representative of the Philippines for high jump in the Southeast Asian Games, JC Cabatino; former member of the Philippine Coast Guard Rescue team, Conan Ayuda; Information Technology Specialist, Renz Forrrosuelo; Marketing major at The University of San Jose Recoletos, Franz Cataluna; and Ramp and Print Model, Dell Duja.

In a rare move, 3 out of the 10 candidates from Cebu were chosen. Jason Martin will be the first foreign representative from the Gold Coast, Australia; Christian Lumasag will represent Cebu City; and Paul Benjamin Abal Jr. will represent Mandaue. These candidates were chosen for their exceptional skills, personal passions and convictions and of course, their good looks.
Winners of this pageant will go on and represent the country in 5 different international competitions which are: Mr. Tourism World in Bali, Indonesia; Mr. Tourism International 2017 in Panama; Mr. Universal Ambassador in Bali, Indonesia; Mr. Model International in New Delhi, India; and Mr. Worldwide in Florida.

With the recent addition, there are now 16 official candidates for the pageant leaving only 14 posts.  The Gentlemen of the Philippines will be on July 30 in Manila.

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