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152 Applicants Hired On The Spot at Happy Jobs Fair 2016



Over 4,000 job applicants showed up at the Happy Jobs Fair last Saturday, May 28 at SM City Cebu, organized by, one of the leading online job portals in the country.

According to the organizers 152 of applicants were hired on the spot. “We were pleasantly surprised with the high number of applicants that were hired on the spot this year,” said Wesley Chiongbian, CEO of “As job requirements get more and more complex in Cebu, it’s almost impossible for companies to determine if an applicant is qualified from just one interview. More interviews and exams are usually scheduled after the event. With this being the case, we are expecting more applicants to get hired in the next few days,” he added.

The one-day event featured a total of 11,160 job vacancies from 100 companies.

The organizers shared that there was nearly a 20% increase in applicant turnout and a 64% increase in the total number of job vacancies offered.

Better applicant experience

Hundreds of applicants were waiting to enter the venue even before the job fair started. Due to their large number some applicants waited up to three hours to enter the job fair area.

In anticipation of this, Mynimo deployed an online queuing system that made it possible for applicants to leave the venue while waiting for their number to be served. The system also showed them an estimated time of entry.

“We knew there would be thousands of applicants, so we came up with a system to help them be productive with their day. We didn’t want them to just wait in line the whole time,” said Chiongbian.

Applicants who preferred to wait had the chance to learn about job hunting techniques and career development through talks conducted at the venue. These were informative as well as motivational, featuring speakers from the Philippine Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP), Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA), Social Security Systems(SSS), Pag-ibig, Phil Health and Mynimo.

Government agencies, namely SSS, Pag-IBIG, PhilHealth, BIR and NBI also set-up help desks for inquiries from job applicants.

“There are still thousands of job vacancies that need to be filled in Cebu,” says Chiongbian. He advices those who missed the one-day event to visit to get an updated list of job vacancies and apply online from their computers, mobile phones or tablets.

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